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Skin remembers height (bad), volume percentage misleading

Posted: 26 Feb 2011 23:34
by reD_Fox

I love VLC and was looking at skins to improve the aesthetics a bit. I really, really, really liked the darklounge aka. subX skin. However, there were a couple of things I missed on its interface, and in the process of adding them, I came up with a question and an observation/bug. (I'm using Vista, btw.)

1. Question: How do you keep a skin from remembering the width/height of the last closed state? For instance, if you open a high-res video using the subX skin and then close it, when you next open an audio file, it opens to the same player size as the video. This does not happen with the Slick Iphone Skin, and I prefer the player to open in a more compact size when playing just audio. What should I do to the subX skin so that it plays audio in a compact manner (without a blank space where the video used to be)?

2. It would be nice if the $V text variable reported the actual volume (0-200%) rather than the slider position (0-100%).


Re: Skin remembers height (bad), volume percentage misleadin

Posted: 27 Feb 2011 13:29
by erwan10
1. skins2 always saves and restores positions. But, you can prevent automatic resizing when a video is launched by either unchecking "no video resize" parameter (first panel of preferences) or forcing autoresize="false" in the skins theme.xml file.

2. Yes. It will be fixed in the next version

Re: Skin remembers height (bad), volume percentage misleadin

Posted: 27 Feb 2011 13:57
by reD_Fox
Hmm. Thanks for the reply, but that's not exactly what I'm after. I want the darklounge/subX skin to behave like the Slick Iphone Skin when opening audio files. That's it. I've been banging my head over this for hours and can't figure out how to get the subX skin to "collapse" like the Iphone skin does. I was hoping there was an easy difference that I could port to the subX skin.


Re: Skin remembers height (bad), volume percentage misleadin

Posted: 29 Jan 2012 12:00
by Olof
I agree that remembering the height is a real issue.. any pans to fix?