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Initial display when using extended desktop

Posted: 14 Feb 2011 19:28
by FumbleFingers
I have an lcd "main monitor" permanently available, plus a tv configured as "extended desktop" within Windows XP. The tv isn't always turned on, but XP doesn't seem to know whether it is or not.

I want to start VLC on the main monitor, then drag it across the extended desktop to the tv screen if I'm watching a movie. But VLC starts on whichever display it was using when last closed - sometimes that was the tv, which might not be turned on next time I run VLC.

Preferences -> Video -> Display Device allows me to specify \\.\DISPLAY1 or DISPLAY2, but no settings seem to affect program action.

Is there any way to ensure VLC always starts on main monitor?

Re: Initial display when using extended desktop

Posted: 23 Mar 2011 23:30
by dogbyte420
EXACTLY what he said... the old VLC player would always start on the primary monitor no matter where I left it. Now I gotta turn on my tv and bring up my second monitor just to pull it back to the first one. At least make a hotkey that switches displays or an option to default start where you want it.