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Some feature requests for Skins2 and further development

Posted: 19 Feb 2010 22:22
by Spyme
Hi there, hard working coders.

just some feature requests for the skins2 ui. (please move to feat.req board if its wrong here)
  • Make the native texts available, so skinners do not have to write them in graphics. This makes a skin multilingual.
  • Make native Menu-Sections available: File >> Extras >> Help etc. so a skin can be accessible as much as the qt4 ui
  • Make Spatializer and subs of EQ available in skins2 (uh, there would be nice things done with bezier curves :))
  • replace Mosaic with "repeat"
  • Text Vars to grab some ID3 tags? (e.g: Title, Album, Genre and Artist)
  • Animations: Would be fine if: First image in a anim. represents the normal state, last image the pressed state. Atm you have 3 graphics for every element, with this only one.
  • Cursors: Add a option to change the cursor of an element (e.g: smilar to css, a.hyperlink{cursor:pointer}), that would help the usability a lot and shows the user that we have an element with an specific action here
Another Point of View: DROP skins2 developing and take QT4 as it´s repalcement. With that, skinners have all native stuff available and can use the Stylesheets from QT, no need to code different features on different interfaces anymore. Also, if this point is really discutable, a skinner cannot compile theyr skin every time. So we need a way to stay on .vlt extension files. This feature need a bit experience from the skin author, but can provide new amazing ui concepts. Dont kill me for this suggestion :P

//Edit: ... -released/ now, gogo :)

Re: Some feature requests for Skins2

Posted: 20 Feb 2010 06:44
by 3breadt
I like the QT suggestion, I think j-b already was exploring a little bit in that direction.