Hey everyone. First post here. I recently found out that VLC was skinnable (I never knew!), so I made a simple skin for my purposes (using the VLC Skin Editor v0.8.5). I am probably not the typcal VLC user since I use it for local video playback only. I don't use the playlist or EQ functions so (for now) I have only skinned the main video window. I kept the interface extremely minimal, only a Play/Pause button and the time slider are visible. On the right side of the grey interface bar are two "hidden" buttons for taking a snapshot and accessing the VLC "Preferences" window. Moving your mouse over them makes the buttons appear. The empty area on the far right corner of the interface bar (to the right of the Preferences icon) is for resizing the player. Everything else is accessed by right-clicking an empty area of the interface bar to bring up the menu.
I do have a few questions though. I think the answers to all of them are "that isn't possible", but hopefully I'm wrong:
1) Can the resizing of the player be restricted to the aspect ratio of the video that is playing?
2) Can the default video screen be any color other than black (before a video is loaded)?
3) In "windowed" or "fullscreen" mode, is is possible to right-click the video screen to bring up the main menu (like VLC does with it's default interface)?
4) In fullscreen mode, is it possible to have overlayed video controls when using a skin (like VLC does with it's default interface)?
Here is a screenshot of my skin so far: