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Help/review/testing needed for my skin

Posted: 22 Oct 2009 07:25
by pataky
Hello there,

sorry to bother, but I would need some help with developing a skin

When I maximize the window it sticks to the vertical edges and to the top but keeps a lot of space to the bottom. Can anyone help me with fixing that please?
Any comments, reviews, suggestions are highly appreciated.


Re: Help/review/testing needed for my skin

Posted: 22 Oct 2009 21:50
by 3breadt
The skin looks very good, just a few suggestions concerning the design:
I'd put the mute button left of the volume slider, that's where it is usually put, and when pressing it the volume slider is move to the left, so its the best connection between button and slider imho.
Also the repeat symbol does not seem to be totally in the center of the button, a pixel to the right might do it.
But apart from these small suggestions its a great skin.

The space at the bottom when maximizing is probably because the initial (500px) and minimal (400px) height of the main windows layout are greater than the actual height of the background image (around 350px). That causes the skin to maximize improperly.