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aSkin Compatability

Posted: 26 Jun 2009 07:12
by Turbohog
I've noticed with some skins, such as aSkin, things will no longer work, such as when I close VLC the window closes, but VLC is still running and in the taskbar. I assume this is because of changes in VLC, so is there an easy way to fix these skins? Or is my best bet to make a new skin, but with the same icons, backgrounds, etc.? Thanks.

Re: aSkin Compatability

Posted: 26 Jun 2009 11:06
by 3breadt
This is a known bug of VLC but there has not yet been found a fix, afaik it is not limited to a specific skin but occurs every so often with every skin.

Re: aSkin Compatability

Posted: 27 Jun 2009 20:34
by erwan10
This is a known bug of VLC but there has not yet been found a fix, afaik it is not limited to a specific skin but occurs every so often with every skin.
any trac # or log available to start with ? which platform (Win or Linux) ?

I did some tests with latest 1.0-bugfix on WinXP. I found two different situations where vlc hangs :

#1: if using "Frame Next" ('E' hotkey) a lot, vlc ends up hanging with both qt4 and skins. This can be easily reproduced.

#2: sometimes, with skins, vlc does hang when quitting while a video is being played back. It did happen, but I could not find a way to easily reproduce it. Any logs or a bug description could be useful.


Re: aSkin Compatability

Posted: 29 Jun 2009 05:56
by Turbohog
Windows XP, only happens with videos. I press the exit button, and the window closes, yet it is still on the taskbar and I have to end it with the "end now" option. Also, when I right click the top and the dropdown menus appear, they don't work when I click them. It's all with this skin. Using 0.9.9.

Re: aSkin Compatability

Posted: 29 Jun 2009 08:07
by erwan10
Latest nightly build should improve things. ( ... 0629-0004/)

feedbacks welcome


Re: aSkin Compatability

Posted: 29 Jun 2009 20:44
by Turbohog
It did. :D Thanks.