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Buttons to jump forward and back

Posted: 02 May 2009 03:30
by angussf
There are keypresses for jumping forward short, medium, and long amounts, but no way that I can find to configure a button to do this. I don't see any description of them in the XML documentation on the skins pages here. Is that correct?

Re: Buttons to jump forward and back

Posted: 03 May 2009 11:58
by 3breadt
Yes that's correct, there is no such action yet implemented into the skins system.

Re: Buttons to jump forward and back

Posted: 03 May 2009 13:12
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
Yes that's correct, there is no such action yet implemented into the skins system.
Shouldn't be difficult to add, no?

Re: Buttons to jump forward and back

Posted: 05 May 2009 21:07
by 3breadt
No should not be that much work.