I was excited when I realized that VLC could be skinned (I use VLC for 90% of media files, and it's plain looking interface is actually ideal for my purposes). I just wanted something darker with good contrast, so I downloaded the pack of skins and tried one on. The problem I keep having is that when I go to Windows Explorer and click on a media file, the file opens in VLC but doesn't immediately begin playing. I searched through the settings but could find no flags for this behavior. Does anyone have the same issue/know what I'm talking about? Is this a limitation (peculiar) of skin mode?
It's annoying because if I'm just turning on a different track, I Alt-Tab over to Windows Explorer, locate the FLAC file I want to play, hit Enter and then Alt-Tab right back to whatever I was doing. With skin mode on, I have to do those same steps, but also hit the spacebar after I hit enter (spacebar is the keyboard shortcut for Play), to get the file to actually start playing.