Scaling/Mosaic not supported by Skineditor?
Posted: 11 Jan 2009 20:29
I want to create a resizable window with the editor, for which the tutorial has to be written yet , I encountered the next problem.
Doing a vertical enlargement of the background, it appeared that the picture was repeated and not stretched. I then changed the ImageAttribute Resizing from "mosaic" to scale.
However the background was still repeating when enlarged. I checked the xml -file in which I found:
I did another check but it did not change. In the code is nothing to be found about resizing. I added the next: resize="scale"
With the addition it worked fine. The picture was only stretched and not repeated.
It appears that the interface of the SkinEditor 0.7 supports mosaic and scale, but when producing the xml-file it is not supported at all.
Is this a bug in the editor?
I want to create a resizable window with the editor, for which the tutorial has to be written yet , I encountered the next problem.
Doing a vertical enlargement of the background, it appeared that the picture was repeated and not stretched. I then changed the ImageAttribute Resizing from "mosaic" to scale.
However the background was still repeating when enlarged. I checked the xml -file in which I found:
Code: Select all
<Image id="PL Background" image="Playlistbg" action="move" rightbottom="rightbottom" xkeepratio="true" ykeepratio="true"/>
Code: Select all
<Image id="PL Background" image="Playlistbg" resize="scale" action="move" rightbottom="rightbottom" xkeepratio="true" ykeepratio="true"/>
It appears that the interface of the SkinEditor 0.7 supports mosaic and scale, but when producing the xml-file it is not supported at all.
Is this a bug in the editor?