Resizeable image problem in resizable skin
Posted: 03 Oct 2008 23:18
I'm trying to resize the center image for this layout:
Here is my code so far:
Now my problem is that the "" image stretch width is equal to the width between the topleft & topright and not the left & right.
Is there anyway I can correct this?
I'm used to Winamp Skinning where you can just set x/y and w/h of the image so its very easier
Here is how it looks atm:
The source image CANT be changed since this will brake the whole project of converting Winamp ClassicPro skins to VLC
Thanks for any help!
Here is my code so far:
Code: Select all
<Image x="0" y="0" image="normal.topleft" lefttop="lefttop" rightbottom="lefttop" action="move"/>
<Image x="143" y="0" image="" lefttop="lefttop" rightbottom="righttop" action="move" resize="scale"/>
<Image x="143" y="0" image="normal.topright" lefttop="righttop" rightbottom="righttop" action="move"/>
<Image x="0" y="100" image="normal.left" lefttop="lefttop" rightbottom="leftbottom" action="move" resize="scale"/>
<Image x="6" y="100" image="" lefttop="lefttop" rightbottom="rightbottom" action="move" resize="scale"/>
<Image x="311" y="100" image="normal.right" lefttop="righttop" rightbottom="rightbottom" action="resizeE" resize="scale"/>
<Image x="0" y="100" image="normal.bottomleft" lefttop="leftbottom" rightbottom="leftbottom" action="move"/>
<Image x="157" y="100" image="normal.bottom" lefttop="leftbottom" rightbottom="rightbottom" action="resizeS" resize="scale"/>
<Image x="157" y="100" image="normal.bottomright" lefttop="rightbottom" rightbottom="rightbottom" action="resizeSE"/>
Is there anyway I can correct this?
I'm used to Winamp Skinning where you can just set x/y and w/h of the image so its very easier
Here is how it looks atm:
The source image CANT be changed since this will brake the whole project of converting Winamp ClassicPro skins to VLC
Thanks for any help!