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Posted: 06 Feb 2007 06:27
by joethezombie
I don't know how hard it would be to implement, but one other thing I would like to see is a resize constrictor based on the aspect of the video. Basically, I'd like the ability of the window to resize itself so that the video always fills the <Video> dimensions completely, with no black borders. Perhaps this could be implemented by adding a autorescale="true" attribute added to the <Video> tag.

For instance, if a user resized the window horizontally, the window would automatically adjust vertically as needed to keep the video completely filled in its container, instead of resorting to ugly black borders.

This would be most useful in compact mode applications. I find it cumbersome to manually adjust both height and width of the window so that the video is filled. It would be great if VLC did this work for me.

You can best see how this would be beneficial by using this skin (requires .9). Switch to compact mode, start a video, and resize. You can see how the black borders really hurt the layout.

It would also be great if <Video> supported action="move" so we can easily move the window around on minimal skins where there isn't a lot window space to grab onto.

Posted: 06 Feb 2007 07:55
by CloudStalker
It would also be good if there was a way to move the video back to main display1 when watching on a TV. As it is now, I have to drag the entire control interface to the extended desktop, but when I want to move it back to the main display, I have to switch back to the TV, double-click out of full screen, and drag it back over to my desktop. A simple button or control (maybe linked to a hotkey) would fix this.

Posted: 06 Feb 2007 13:35
by ipkiss
Please create new threads for new feature requests. All this has nothing to do with slider positioning... [EDIT: thread splitted]
One thread dedicated to enhancements/fixes related to the Video control might be interesting, so that when a developer gathers enough courage to dive into this, (s)he can take into consideration as many features as possible...
Also note that the video output framework itself (the Video control actually embeds a video output window) is going to be reworked one day:
I don't know how hard it would be to implement, but one other thing I would like to see is a resize constrictor based on the aspect of the video. Basically, I'd like the ability of the window to resize itself so that the video always fills the <Video> dimensions completely, with no black borders. Perhaps this could be implemented by adding a autorescale="true" attribute added to the <Video> tag.
It shouldn't be too hard, provided that the skins engine has a reliable way to get the video aspect ratio.
It would also be great if <Video> supported action="move" so we can easily move the window around on minimal skins where there isn't a lot window space to grab onto.
Indeed. The problem is that the Video control actually contains a window handled by a video output module in VLC, thus not by the skins2 interface. They don't really communicate, so it's not easy to do properly (maybe with a kludge?).

Posted: 06 Feb 2007 15:50
by CloudStalker
Well then I hope you don’t mind if I move this request over, since its more fitting here:
A Hotkey to Clone Video viewtopic.php?t=31608.

Posted: 06 Feb 2007 20:14
by joethezombie
I'm sorry. I'm still pretty new here, and I just noticed there is an actual feature requests forum.

Posted: 06 Feb 2007 21:50
by ipkiss
That's not what I meant. For skins, feature requests are adequate here (and probably even preferred). I just meant that having all the forum posts in one big thread is not the most efficient way to use a forum, it's better to have separate threads for different topics :)