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Maximize Window for Dalin Media Player Skin

Posted: 07 Jan 2007 01:46
by thel2dadoublee
The Dalin Media Player skin for VLC has a full screen feature where the usual window maximize button is. While yes, full screen does play the VIDEO at full screen, is there a way to make it so that the PLAYER is at full screen, with the video AND controls all visible? i can't find any option for such, and not even window's right click->maximize is selectable.


Posted: 07 Jan 2007 07:53
by Asim
VLC itself doesnt have any such feature as yet... hence none of the skins are able to "maximize" the window...

- Asim

Posted: 28 Jan 2007 23:11
by ipkiss
FYI, I have just implemented the "windowID.maximize()" and "windowID.unmaximize()" actions, along wih the "windowID.isMaximized" boolean variable.

Posted: 29 Jan 2007 00:58
by joethezombie
Hurray! It's really great that you are introducing these great new features!

Posted: 30 Jan 2007 09:33
by Asim