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Remove the Windows bar in the player

Posted: 22 Nov 2006 20:14
by AndySF
I have created a skin which I have a problem with. The area where the video is playing is surrounded by the Windows bar, i.e. the minimize, maximize buttons etc.. it is not really embedded into the skin.
How do I remove the bar?


Posted: 22 Nov 2006 20:36
by ipkiss
If you didn't use any Video control in your skin, the video creates its own window, and it looks like a normal window, with a title bar and a border.

Posted: 22 Nov 2006 21:12
by AndySF
I have video control in my skin, e.g. play pause etc. Or do you mean something else?


Posted: 23 Nov 2006 08:43
by ipkiss
I mean something else :)
There is a control called "Video" (like "Button", "Slider", ...); if your skin contains one VLC will try to use it rather than creating its own outside of the window.