Do skins affect the open/stream file screens also?

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New Cone
New Cone
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Joined: 04 Nov 2006 02:52

Do skins affect the open/stream file screens also?

Postby DiscoDave » 04 Nov 2006 03:18

I use VLC on a computer with the screen resolution set to 800x600. This resolution is necessary because of a remote desktop application I use. When I go to the screen where we set the parameters for streaming, the portion where you choose the streaming protocol (mms, http, UDP etc) is squished down and I can not see the UDP or RTSP windows. If I downlod and use one of the custom skins, will this problem be gone?

Thanks for your assistance.
Just trying to stream.....

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Postby funman » 04 Nov 2006 04:04

no the skins won't change the dialogs, only the appearance

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