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Skins problem

Posted: 11 Oct 2006 17:23
by ixgor
I use the latest version of vlc player.
Tried to change skins: "Interface > Skins > Skin to use>C:\Program Files\VideoLAN\VLC\skins\Dalin_Media_Player.vlt" (just downloaded it)
When i try to Change interface>Skins 2 , the player window just disappears... The skin does not appear visible.
Please help.

Posted: 11 Oct 2006 19:18
by maltice
Try going to your skins directory, take a skin and rename it default.vlt (or whatever the extension is) You might want to backup the exisitng default.vlt file first. Then try switching to skin mode and it will default to the new skin you renamed default.vlt. See if that helps. Not sure if it will, but worth a try

Posted: 12 Oct 2006 08:20
by ipkiss
Even if it works, it's not the recommended way to do it.
Usually, resetting the preferences before changing the skin is enough...