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Can I use VLC's buttons in my app ?

Posted: 23 Aug 2006 14:33
by martinmystere

I am the developer of JamloaderMac, a small application that runs on Mac OS X.

I would like to use some of VLC's buttons (play.png, play_blue.png, pause.png, etc...) because they look nice ! Am I allowed to do so ? If yes, under what conditions ? Should JamloaderMac also have a GPL license ?

Thanks, and don't forget to check out Jamendo !

Posted: 23 Aug 2006 15:40
by ipkiss
Just to clarify, are you talking about the buttons of this skin?

Posted: 24 Aug 2006 12:28
by martinmystere
No. I'm talking about the standard Mac OS X interface, the one you get if you download :

The buttons look nearly-exactly like QuickTime Player's buttons (or iTunes') but not exactly enough so that you guys don't have any trouble with Apple ; since their interface is patented.


PS: I'm not sure we can talk about a "VLC skin", the Mac OS X interface was done using Apple's Interface Builder proprietary format .nib.