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Please help me!

Posted: 23 Jul 2006 04:14
by chronic skull
I can't load skins :( im on ubuntu.
VLC media player 0.8.4 Janus
[00000274] skins2 interface: skin: VLC OSX Interface author: BigBen
[00000299] xml private error: XML parser error (line 1) : failed to load external entity "skin.dtd"

[00000299] xml private error: XML parser error (line 3) : Validation failed: no DTD found !
[00000274] skins2 interface error: Failed to parse /tmp/vltB4cCRz/theme.xml
[00000274] skins2 interface error: /usr/share/vlc/skins2/orange.vlt doesn't contain a theme.xml file
[00000302] xml private error: XML parser error (line 1) : Document is empty

[00000274] skins2 interface error: Failed to parse /usr/share/vlc/skins2/orange.vlt
[00000274] skins2 interface error: A problem occurred when loading the new theme, restoring the previous one

Posted: 23 Jul 2006 12:08
by dionoea
You'll need to get a newer version of VLC i guess.