weird bug in skins2
Posted: 04 Jun 2006 04:13
hey guys... just came to my attention another bug under skins2...
this has to do with minimal mode / full mode for skins...
i was having some problems with my skin not updating the filename when switching between full and mini mode. I noticed taht if you have the $F text attribute displayed in either fullscreen or mini mode... then if you switch screens, the file wont be updated, but will show the old file that was playing...
i'm playing File "ABC" and in full mode i have $F text attribute, i switch to mini mode which has no $F attribute, then i switch to the next file "XYZ" in the playlist... and then i switch back to full mode... if i have the $F text attribute showing anywhere in full mode, the screen will still show the name/location of the previous file "ABC", whereas it should show the details of "XYZ". if i remove the $F attribute from the skin, then everythign works properly... any fix for this???
- Asim
this has to do with minimal mode / full mode for skins...
i was having some problems with my skin not updating the filename when switching between full and mini mode. I noticed taht if you have the $F text attribute displayed in either fullscreen or mini mode... then if you switch screens, the file wont be updated, but will show the old file that was playing...
i'm playing File "ABC" and in full mode i have $F text attribute, i switch to mini mode which has no $F attribute, then i switch to the next file "XYZ" in the playlist... and then i switch back to full mode... if i have the $F text attribute showing anywhere in full mode, the screen will still show the name/location of the previous file "ABC", whereas it should show the details of "XYZ". if i remove the $F attribute from the skin, then everythign works properly... any fix for this???
- Asim