no .audio(), .video(), .playlist() dialogs

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New Cone
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no .audio(), .video(), .playlist() dialogs

Postby SoaceMunky » 09 May 2006 18:55

Trying to get dialogs.audioPopup() dialogs.videoPopup() and dialogs.playlist() to work in the xml file. Any other dialog works, but with those three the button will not display. The online help says it is implemented in 0.8.5, but there is no way it will display. Any suggestions, or is this my OS(WinXP)?

example: the first two buttons work, the last three dont. this is going straight from the HOWTO.

Code: Select all

<Button x="1" y="1" up="file_up" down="file_down" action="dialogs.file()" tooltiptext="Open..."/> <Button x="45" y="1" up="set_up" down="set_down" action="dialogs.prefs()" tooltiptext="Preferences"/> <Button x="107" y="1" up="aud_up" down="aud_down" action="dialogs.audioPopup()" tooltiptext="Audio Preferences"/> <Button x="157" y="1" up="vid_up" down="vid_down" action="dialogs.videoPopup()" tooltiptext="Video Preferences"/> <Button x="203" y="1" up="pl_up" down="pl_down" action="dialogs.playlist()" tooltiptext="Playlist"/>

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Postby zorglub » 09 May 2006 22:57


Sorry, I made a mistake in the doc. These features are not available in the 0.8.5 release. They will be available in 0.8.6 and are available in the nightly builds.
Clément Stenac

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