issues with skin, HOW DO I
Posted: 28 Apr 2006 20:23
by buzz
Hi, I gat a probleme with vlc, I tried to drag and drop a vlc skin in vlc (because I can,t find the option to change it through the menu, and when I relaunch it there is a cmd runing which ask me to run vlc from the dos cmd!!!
That affects also my old vlc.
Posted: 29 Apr 2006 11:36
by ipkiss
There are several ways to start the skins2 interface:
- start 'vlc -I skins2' (change the shortcuts, and file associations)
- use the 'Settings --> Switch intterface' option in the menu (unless you are using VLC 0.8.5 or one of its test versions, in which this option disappeared)
- open the preferences, and in the 'Interface --> General' section change the 'Interface module' from 'Default' to 'Skinnable interface'. Do not forget to save the preferences, and then restart VLC.