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Default Night Version?

Posted: 13 Sep 2018 06:15
by NameBrandHipster
I've been looking for the default VLC skin, but a dark version, no luck. I even tried finding the default skin download so that I could modify it myself, still no luck.

I came across a forum post ... lt#p386565 discussing another theme and it included this picture.

He describes it as the "default theme." which now has me confused. Is there a "night" option I'm unaware of?
Or is this a theme that I'm some reason unable to find?

Re: Default Night Version?

Posted: 13 Sep 2018 20:24
by pettson
A dark mode would be much appreciated indeed.
If one happens to use Linux though (I'm using Manjaro Linux, can highly recommend) there is a way to get the default look in a dark mode. Install Qt5 and choose that in Force window style in VLC. Then follow this guide: ... heme/42551
Or read below:
Open (with root) /etc/environment
delete the line QT_STYLE_OVERRIDE=gtk
add the line QT_QPA_PLATFORMTHEME=qt5ct
delete ~/.config/qt5ct/qt5ct.conf
(might have to reboot the computer)
In the Appearance tab in Qt5, simply choose Custom and 'darker' in Color scheme, and you have a great dark look!

Re: Default Night Version?

Posted: 14 Sep 2018 02:39
by tokyojerry
I also second the motion for a dark mode. There should always be an alternative dark themed mode as an alternative to intrusive shocking white. Try going to the cinema and then watch a movie with all the theater lights turned on. I am also 70, with good eye sight, but I want to keep it that way. Even when not watching a movie, I still prefer a dark themed environment rather then shocking white all the time for common tasks. Apple's MacOS Mohave (finally) offers a dark theme for their Finder. Windows 10 also now is dark themed for File Explorer (Insider Preivew). It should be a basic task just to offer a simple radial dial selection for black, white, or perhaps dark grey.

After all these years....

Re: Default Night Version?

Posted: 26 Sep 2018 13:45
by Luna Moon

I came across a forum post ... lt#p386565 discussing another theme and it included this picture.

He describes it as the "default theme." which now has me confused. Is there a "night" option I'm unaware of?
Or is this a theme that I'm some reason unable to find?
Maybe you could write directly to RazzMaTazz007, who posted that picture. I also don't know this theme, sorry. But I would like to have a dark/night mode as well.

Re: Default Night Version?

Posted: 15 Nov 2018 23:04
by darkshadow

Re: Default Night Version?

Posted: 25 Dec 2018 21:02
by mrprins
Almost 2019 and still no dark mode. When does the hurting stops ?!