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time and $T, $L, $D ....

Posted: 26 Nov 2005 16:45
by xanax
Hi guys.

Firstly, I wanted to congratulate ipkiss and asmax for the "VLC skins2" skinning engine : the XML language is not as hard as I expected.
Everything is quite clear and simple.

I use VLC 0.8.4-test2 (under windowsxp) and I am trying to create a VLC skin.

Though, I found an annoying little problem.
My skin is not finished : I just made the "Winshade mode" (a thin horizontal bar that doesn't fill the whole screen), the "normal mode" will come soon.

The problem with the winshade mode : I want to be able to switch between the "time elapsed" and "the remaining time".
To do that, I had to create 2 layouts almost identical : one with the "time elapsed", another for the "remaining time".

It's a bit silly to have to do this because it could be solved if you just added the possibility to click on the text (on the elapsed time ($T)) and instead, display the "remaining time " ($L) or "file duration" ($D).

Here is what I typed :

Code: Select all

<Text font="time_font" color="#f7941d" x="335" y="5" width="95" text="$T / $D" />
Here is what I would like :

Code: Select all

<Text font="time_font" color="#f7941d" x="335" y="5" width="95" text="$T / $D" action="time_font.text($L / $D)" />

Or another option, calling the action from a button :

Code: Select all

<Checkbox x="433" y="7" up1="winshade_timeswitcher_elapsed_normal" over1="winshade_timeswitcher_elapsed_over" down1="winshade_timeswitcher_elapsed_down" up2="winshade_timeswitcher_remaining_normal" over2="winshade_timeswitcher_remaining_over" down2="winshade_timeswitcher_remaining_down" state="vlc.isPlaying" action1="time_font.text($T / $D)" action2="time_font.text($L / $D)" tooltiptext1="Display Elapsed Time" tooltiptext2="Display Remaining Time"/>

I suggest you this feature because that could avoid me to have to add another layout (with all the same buttons..). I beg you to add this feature :-)

Thanks in advance.

Posted: 26 Nov 2005 16:49
by Guest
oops, I forgot the screenshot :

Edit by dionoea: Removed screen shot as requested by author.

See you.

Posted: 26 Nov 2005 19:52
by dionoea
wow ! looks nice :)

Posted: 26 Nov 2005 20:35
by AsMaX
nice skin indeed ;)
as you may know we are currently implementing support of winamp2 skins, so this kind of feature will be needed soon anyway.
We still have to think about how it will be implemented exactly, but yes you can expect something to be done ;)

Posted: 28 Nov 2005 12:57
by xanax
I don't know what you plan for VLC in the future, but if you are interested in winamp3 skins (modern skins), here's a nice tool too decompile maki scripts :

At the moment, the VLC skins2 engine is quite simple and clear to me and I would be a bit affraid if VLC skins became as hard to make as Winamp5 ones..

I am not a coder so "maki scripts" (or future scripts in VLC to make drawers) fear me a bit. Too complicated skinning engines don't make people want to create skins..

Posted: 28 Nov 2005 19:25
by AsMaX
Don't be afraid, even if more advanced scripting features are added in the future, I think the current static XML description of a skin will always remain. And it's not even sure those scripting features will be ever implemented ;)

Posted: 09 Apr 2007 04:08
by dforionstar
Thank your for the "T" tip to display the remaining time. I was not previously aware of this.

The only issue I have with VLC .86a is I use larger system fonts on my 1680 x 1050 resolution notebook PC, and can never see the remaining time in the lower right corner of the status bar because the time field is too short. The font height is OK but the length of the field is just too short. If this could be enlarged, or made dynamic it would accommodate various font sizes.

Thank you!


Posted: 17 Nov 2020 22:36
by StreamTattleTales
I don't know what you plan for VLC in the future, but if you are interested in winamp3 skins (modern skins), here's a nice tool too decompile maki scripts :

At the moment, the VLC skins2 engine is quite simple and clear to me and I would be a bit affraid if VLC skins became as hard to make as Winamp5 ones..

I am not a coder so "maki scripts" (or future scripts in VLC to make drawers) fear me a bit. Too complicated skinning engines don't make people want to create skins..
This link is not found. I've also tried another one, but without success. Any other decompilers available?