Multiscreen UI

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New Cone
New Cone
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Joined: 09 Jul 2015 00:54

Multiscreen UI

Postby sisyphus » 09 Jul 2015 01:16

Hello, new here and new to VLC. I've customized the VLC media player to fit my needs. However, I'm trying to build or find an existing interface with 4 VLC media players playing at once.

My needs:
To review 4 video files (stored files, not live stream) at the same time (these would be stored on a local server or external device)
I envision it as 4 VLC media players on a single page in a 2x2 cube
Each player would be showing a different video and have full functionality

I've set-up VLC so that I can play 4 videos at once. I can even arrange them in the cube form I desire. But rather than opening up 4 files and arranging them on the computer every time, I would love to only have to open a UI with 4 VLC players. Not sure if it's even possible or practical, but would love to give it a go if I can.

This doesn't need to be online or networked (although that is fine if it is).

Thank you in advance for your help. I've consulted the forums many times while trying to figure out VLC, and they've been very helpful. Kind of stuck on this one though.


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