Opening directories in Skins2?
Posted: 19 Sep 2005 10:20
In the default apperance of VLC, "wxwindows", you can open e.g a folder of mp3's by going: file->open directory...
If you change to the skins2 that are delivered with the download, the feature isn't there!
I really like the apperance of brushed aluminium , so I decided to make my own skin with the function of open directories that I desire.
Now, I have been looking at the instructions for making skins, and of course I browsed the listed actions there at, well i can't find the for me very versatile action there. It should bee something like ""? IsnĀ“t this feature available in skins2?
Btw, I'm a quite new user of the player, I find it Great!
In the default apperance of VLC, "wxwindows", you can open e.g a folder of mp3's by going: file->open directory...
If you change to the skins2 that are delivered with the download, the feature isn't there!
I really like the apperance of brushed aluminium , so I decided to make my own skin with the function of open directories that I desire.
Now, I have been looking at the instructions for making skins, and of course I browsed the listed actions there at, well i can't find the for me very versatile action there. It should bee something like ""? IsnĀ“t this feature available in skins2?
Btw, I'm a quite new user of the player, I find it Great!