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Win + Arrow shortcut not working with skins

Posted: 21 Jan 2015 17:38
by onotadaki
With the default VLC interface, I can use keyboard shortcuts to move the VLC window around the screen (Windows Key + left / right.) Once I apply a skin though, the VLC window will not move. The VLC window will still anchor when moved close to edges, but not with the Windows movement hotkeys. All of the skins seem to have no edge bar or title bar, so I'm curious if that may be the culprit.

I am curious what the reason behind this is and if there is any way I can modify a skin to add this functionality? Thanks!

Re: Win + Arrow shortcut not working with skins

Posted: 18 Apr 2015 13:33
by sburner
I have the same issue. Is there any way to fix this?

Re: Win + Arrow shortcut not working with skins

Posted: 20 Apr 2015 01:34
by erwan10
These "Windows logo" key combinations interact only with top-level windows. The skins2 windows are no such windows. They are owned by a hidden null-sized window that groups them together for minimizing the whole lot, for having one single icon in the taskbar, ..... As a result, they are not responsive to these hotkeys whatever the skin.

For supporting these key combinations, the whole skins2 window management has to be reworked. This is not an easy task !