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MinimalX - Preview + Questions

Posted: 09 Jul 2013 01:41
by Maverick07x
hey guys,
working on a new skin --- again^^
this time its inspired by googles android, custom icons, and a sequel to my MetroX skin:

Image ... -383947962

but until i can finish it i have some questions...
to save space im working with different Windows. Means that if you press the left arrow button, the next 3 objects appear.

Well there are two problems with this method:
1. at first use the anchors does not work properly - so you have to drag the main window, somewhere, and then again back to its starting position.
2. if you are in the 2nd "menu", and press somewhere else, the objects disappear (well the window dissapears), and you have to click again onto the arrow to see them.

so is there any way, to avoid these things?

Re: MinimalX - Preview + Questions

Posted: 09 Jul 2013 15:35
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
Very nice :)

Re: MinimalX - Preview + Questions

Posted: 10 Jul 2013 16:04
by Maverick07x
well that don't help me much :P

any other way to fix the problems?
otherwise i cant finish the skin...

Re: MinimalX - Preview + Questions

Posted: 10 Jul 2013 17:32
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
Unfortunately, you need erwan10, not me :)

Re: MinimalX - Preview + Questions

Posted: 10 Jul 2013 18:09
by Maverick07x
wuhu, just fixed my 2nd problem.

solution was to remove the background of the mainframe where the other menus appear.
now you can click anywhere on the skin, without dissapearing of the first 3 icons =)

Re: MinimalX - Preview + Questions

Posted: 11 Jul 2013 10:58
by erwan10

Have you seen the youtube-like skin that was posted lately at viewtopic.php?f=26&t=111572 ?

The author actually used fake windows (the variables) with multiple fake layouts (the values) to simulate user-defined variables with mulitple choices.
For instance, for a boolean variable,
- Creation of myBoolWin with two l ayouts : myVarTrueLayout and myVarFalseLayout.
- Setting it to True equates to myBoolWin.setLayout(myVarTrueLayout)
- Seting it to False equates myBoolWin.setLayout(myVarFalseLayout)
- Testing if it is true equates to myVarTrueLayout.isActive

This also works great with multiple choices. Of course, fake windows and layouts should carry a meaningful id for better readability.The good thing is that unlike your approach with windows and anchors, no visual side effects are to be feared, because these fake windows remain invisible. They just act as placeholders for variables, and they don't even need to carry any content on their own.

I hope this helps for the time being.

Re: MinimalX - Preview + Questions

Posted: 11 Jul 2013 15:06
by Maverick07x
the youtubeskin looks really well coded...

i just got one bug
if i try to test the skin with more frames or windows, vlc freezes or it takes ages to load the skin.
also i deleted a Window, and i got the same problem?...even checked the codes, everything looked fine.

Re: MinimalX - Preview + Questions

Posted: 11 Jul 2013 15:29
by erwan10
Can you share the .vlt file that reproduce this bug ? I will look at it.

Re: MinimalX - Preview + Questions

Posted: 11 Jul 2013 15:49
by Maverick07x
its pretty strange, because when i open the skin via VLC everything works well,
but if i want to test it via VLC Skin Editor it takes longer than normal or vlc freezes.

crash_test1 => freezes because of Frame3 (if i delete Frame3, testing works fine)
crash_test2 => freezes because i deleted MainWindow_1 - 3
sorry for the bad hoster =/

Re: MinimalX - Preview + Questions

Posted: 11 Jul 2013 17:08
by erwan10
OK, you mean the vlc Skins Editor causes problems !

Well, this editor (written in Java) has been unmaintained for one year or so. To my knowledge, no new volunteer has stepped up so far.

I personally directly edit the theme.xml file with a text editor (xml syntax highlighted), which I find a lot faster. I'm aware at least a basic xml knowledge is needed for that. Moreover, all new skins2 features are not yet? implemented in the vlc Skins editor, which makes it less and less suited for new skin development.

The hoster is indeed bad. I couldn't manage to donwload the rar file. Only advertisement all over !

Re: MinimalX - Preview + Questions

Posted: 11 Jul 2013 18:44
by Maverick07x
heres an other link, hope this will work: ... h-rar.html

yea, the editor does not support all kind of stuff, but for a non programmer its still easier.
thats why i made my metrox skin with the editor. After i finished with the basics, i had to add some extra codes - fe. cover art, start in the middle of the screen...
sadly, if you open it again in the editor, the program syc it, and you lost the custom codes

well anyway, i just managed to solve my problems with the codes of the youtube skin. works perfect now.
Now i also can switch colors inside the skin =)

is there anything you dont like / miss in the skin?

Re: MinimalX - Preview + Questions

Posted: 11 Jul 2013 23:06
by erwan10
heres an other link, hope this will work: ... h-rar.html
This one works fine
well anyway, i just managed to solve my problems with the codes of the youtube skin. works perfect now.
Now i also can switch colors inside the skin =)
great :-)
is there anything you dont like / miss in the skin?
I think the mockup is real nice

If you plan on a fullscreen controller and opt for one that spans the whole screen, the latest vlc (vlc2.1.0 nightly builds) offers new possibilities, especially with sliders. The Online documentation also just got updated with the newest features today.

Re: MinimalX - Preview + Questions

Posted: 12 Jul 2013 01:15
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
Maybe it would be nice to change the default skin at some point?

Re: MinimalX - Preview + Questions

Posted: 16 Jul 2013 02:08
by Maverick07x
so i just finished with the 1.0 version,...rebuild the whole skin for better overview =)
sadly i couldt make the skin without windows, so at first use, you have to drag the volumewindow on the anchor

the next update will include a custom settings window, fe. always on top, custom playlist, colorsettings,...

hope you guys like it.

Image ... -385698882

Re: MinimalX - Preview + Questions

Posted: 16 Jul 2013 14:26
by erwan10
Thanks for the skin.

I fixed two things :
- a misspelt id (obviously, a "Mainwindow" should be "MainWindow")
- ColorWindow and VolumeWindow initial position (so that they are automatically positioned as soon as the first use or after a reset of config)

The corrected .vlt file can be found here :

@Jb, why not a change for the default skin .... The difficulty will be which one to select (or several ones) ?

Re: MinimalX - Preview + Questions

Posted: 17 Jul 2013 19:03
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
@erwan10: I think you are the one that can decide that :)

Re: MinimalX - Preview + Questions

Posted: 14 Aug 2013 00:25
by Maverick07x
so i updated to 1.2

settings window with custom playlist / always on top / infobar / color settings
+ cover art image
+ another color (zune)

sadly it got a little bit messy and big - so the loading of vlc takes a half a second longer than usual =/

oh and i detected another bug with the cover art...
if you are listening to a song, the cover art only appears at the second song, or if you press the next button - so the song / cover art has to reload.

Re: MinimalX - Preview + Questions

Posted: 14 Aug 2013 23:25
by Maverick07x
hey erwan10,
i noticed your fixed version - just forget to reply ^^

sadly i hadnt fixed the misspelled Mainwindow - next update ^^
but for me the problem with the anchors still exist - means that even if the mainwindow and colorwindow has the same coordinates, it does not snap at first use.
but it does work if i change the skin - close vlc - and open it once again oO

Re: MinimalX - Preview + Questions

Posted: 28 Sep 2013 13:28
by RazzMaTazz007
Hello Maverick can you could add the feature where you can see the time frame when you hover it with the mouse arrow :?:


Like this when you use the the default theme.


Re: MinimalX - Preview + Questions

Posted: 29 Sep 2013 06:56
by ianoop
I like the black bottom with minimal border.
It would be great to give extended setting on control bar and auto hide control leaving just video like a popup :D