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[B]Help making skin[/B]

Posted: 26 Jul 2005 22:10
by Dark_Stranger

Is there anybody who can help me making a skin??

I have made all the bmp's...

Just need someone who can help me putting it all together.

I need the skin because I need to use the program in my CarPuter



Posted: 27 Jul 2005 03:34
by zcot
I can help.

You need to make the bitmaps into .png images.

If you do not have a suitable graphics program to do this, you might check out:

Posted: 27 Jul 2005 10:52
by Dark_Stranger
ok.. have done that :)

then what??

Posted: 27 Jul 2005 12:47
by zcot
well, in the end you will want the ability to archive all your custom skin-related files into the *.tar.gz format. So, if you do not have that ability then perhaps you will also want to check out something like:

now, at this point you will also have the ability to un-archive the *.tar.gz format which is what you could do to, for example, the default skin file(after you make a copy of it). Change "default.vlt" to "default.tar.gz" and then untar it into some folder so you can look at the files.

You will want to look at the skin building manual page and bookmark or download it:

Basically you will want to make a folder and get your .png's in there.. also perhaps font(s) as well. And then the main skin file which is named "theme.xml"(which you might have decided to copy from the default skin to give you a good base file ;) ).

keep us posted! :D

Posted: 27 Jul 2005 15:46
by Dark_Stranger
Okay.. I have all the png files.. but I can't find out of the xml file...

I look at it and everything I se looks like !"¤=#"%()#"¤%=!/%¤=#" *LOL*

Don't know where to start!!

Anyone who would make the skin?? or can help me make the xml file??

Heres a pic of the Body:

Posted: 28 Jul 2005 00:53
by zcot
pretty sure that theme.xml file from the default skin has linux line endings so the lines aren't visually broken as they should be.

It's best to have a nice document editor for this situation..

perhaps you'd like:
Programmers Notepad

or maybe:

and if you open a linux type file with either of these editors, it will be displayed properly from the start ;)

Beyond that, how about you get the theme.xml file to open properly so you can see it as a proper example and see what you think..

And, I'll be glad to offer some more help too if you want.

Nice looking design by-the-way.


Posted: 30 Jul 2005 01:21
by Dark_Stranger
The skin is comming along quite nicely..

One thing that I haev a problem with thougt.. is if you se my previous posted pic of the skin, then in the black area I need the movie to start, and not in a separate window, just in the media player skin..

But how do I do that??

I've tried using som of the mediaplayer.xml but it --please stay polite-- it all up..

PLZ help!


Posted: 30 Jul 2005 12:11
by ipkiss
Use a Video control.

Posted: 30 Jul 2005 20:20
by zcot

yea, the default skin actually has the video window code there down at the bottom, but it's commented out. But, it's a fine example though.

Also, keep in mind that right now the support for using the video window in the skin is not in full support yet, so it may be problematic at times.

Posted: 30 Jul 2005 23:31
by Dark_Stranger

It's going very good now..

But is there a function where you can load an entire DVD folder??

I need a menu for loading the Video_TS folder from a DVD.


Posted: 31 Jul 2005 01:20
by Dark_Stranger
And another question..

I need a previous and next button in the DVD function, so that I can skip to the next or previous chapter..

But the only one that I seem to find, is the function that goes to the next og previous fil on the playlist..

anyone know how to do this right???


Posted: 02 Aug 2005 15:28
by zcot
I'm not aware of any way to load an entire DVD folder directly at this point..

you can use:
..and just use multiple file selection and select all the files at once from that folder.

-or you can just manually drag a folder to vlc.

In versions later than 0.8.2 there is the option to open a directory, however this is not documented yet for skins... maybe assume:

I'll check into it..

As far as buttons to manipulate the DVD play, do you mean replicating and/or replacing the normal DVD traversal functions? :shock:


Posted: 03 Aug 2005 21:19
by Dark_Stranger
Yeah I was thinking, you know the normal dvd player buttons, such as, "next -> Next Chapter" "Previous -> previous Chapter"

I have used the dialogs.file() for now until anything els and better comes around :)

It could be great if you could find out if the "open Directory" works!! or if there is a was to do that!!

Thanks Alot!!!

The skin is finished, but I just need these features, then i'll post it :)

Posted: 07 Aug 2005 13:04
by ipkiss
I have just added the "" action in the SVN (as well as "dialogs.streamingWizard()", in case you are interested...). It is also added in the popup menu, with the other "Open something" commands.

It will be available in the next nightly build (


Posted: 07 Aug 2005 16:43
by Dark_Stranger
Ipkiss --> That's nice...

But my skin can't load with your version of VLC..

Don't know why yet.. But will try to find out why.. You got any Idea??

Posted: 07 Aug 2005 19:01
by ipkiss
If you don't tell me the error messages, it will be hard to guess... :)

Posted: 08 Aug 2005 11:57
by Dark_Stranger

I don't get any error messages, the old skin just pops up again..

Posted: 08 Aug 2005 11:59
by Dark_Stranger
Don't bother.. Found the error.. :D

Posted: 21 Aug 2005 08:00
by zcot
when's the official release party for the skin? :P

I'll release one, if you do..


Posted: 22 Aug 2005 23:13
by Dark_Stranger

Then skin is done for now..

Just waiting for some more functions to work, so that the skin can work completely for me.

But I can post it now if you guys would like it..


Posted: 23 Aug 2005 12:15
by dionoea
make sure that you check the new tree playlist available in the nighlty builds ! (the tag is Playtree and info about its usage is available in the dtd)

of course, it isn't finished but basic functionnalities work.


Posted: 25 Aug 2005 17:03
by Dark_Stranger

I'm not using plylist in my skin, because the skin is for use in my Car, and the only thing that I'm going to use it for is playing DVD. So no use for a playlist.

I have made the skin so that it fits to the computer and screen in my car.
So the options in this skin is very limited :)

Anybody can help to add more action ...?

Posted: 25 Dec 2005 21:14
by harry
I have just added the "" action in the SVN (as well as "dialogs.streamingWizard()", in case you are interested...). It is also added in the popup menu, with the other "Open something" commands.

It will be available in the next nightly build (

I was reading your comments, nice ... but I am having a prolem trying
to add a control buttom to activate my window program, say something
like "hello there", when the button is clicked. Any ideas? I was thinking
to use "" ? but was lost ...

The following info is taken from
may be it helps?

Name of the window (it may be used for actions). Two windows cannot have the same id.

Thanx lot,
