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Display Artiste/Title with audio stream
Posted: 11 Mar 2013 10:09
by Yperion
Hi all,
When I start VLC with a Shoucast audio stream (AAC) I see the Artist/Title song at the top left of the window, that's what I want
But when I try a skin from the VLC page (( Artist & Title aren't visible. I tried many skins...
I tried to modify one skin with Skin Editor to display Artist & Title but it seems impossible
In this documentation ( I can't see any information to display Artist & Title of the stream only these 2 Text Variables :
$N: Name of the stream that is being played.
$F: Full name (with path) of the stream that is being played.
Any idea to display Artist & Title with a skin ???
Re: Display Artiste/Title with audio stream
Posted: 11 Mar 2013 21:26
by erwan10
This issue was raised a couple of weeks ago. A fix was applied in the dev branch. You can test a recent nightly build ( It should now work as you expect it to work.
Re: Display Artiste/Title with audio stream
Posted: 12 Mar 2013 23:42
by Yperion
Great news !
Thanks erwan
Re: Display Artiste/Title with audio stream
Posted: 29 Mar 2013 19:24
by Diexgo
I'm having same issue listening to radios streaming. With native skin everything shows OK (artist & title), but in the skin mode, when listening to shoutcast stations, i cannot get the artist & title of the stream. I have tried with some of the skins available. I will detail the conditions:
VLC version:
- VLC 2.0.6 Twoflower - Build Mar 27 - 2013 (Windows 32 bit Version)
Radio Stations:
(All show artist / Title in native skin mode, not in skinned mode)
Skins tested:
- Askin
- BlackRed Official
- ClearView VLC
- CompactBlack
- DestroyVLC
- DNO_basic
- Edark VLC
- JoeAMP
- Keagens Deluxe Official
- Nexum
- Modern
- Presume
...and others
Any idea ?, have to test any other nightlies ?.
Thanks boys, great job you are doing with VLC
Re: Display Artiste/Title with audio stream
Posted: 29 Mar 2013 23:13
by erwan10
Yes, only the dev branch (aka vlc2.1.0) was fixed, and the fix was not backported to the vlc2.0.6 branch
So far, the latest nighly build can be found at ... 0329-0009/
Re: Display Artiste/Title with audio stream
Posted: 30 Mar 2013 00:59
by Diexgo
Thanks so much Erwan10, will try with 2.1.0 and will confirm the results.
Re: Display Artiste/Title with audio stream
Posted: 30 Mar 2013 03:19
by Diexgo
Still no luck. I have installed last dev branch 2.1.0, and same result. With native skin everything is alright, and have new features, i like them. But with the skinned mode not showing artist and title playing streaming radio. Only shows the station name, but no info "Now playing ...". Have tried with some skins, same results in all cases. ¿ Is there any option under preferences i have to activate or it should work automatically ?
Re: Display Artiste/Title with audio stream
Posted: 30 Mar 2013 17:30
by erwan10
After some inquiry, that's right. The short answer is no way. So far, it's not possible to show this artist + title thing in a skin.
The long answer is :
the skins2 engine doesn't use the input-title-format parameter that gives final users a way to format the qt4 main window title according to their wish. Default is $Z that formats "artist + title + Vlc media player". But you can format it as you like by passing your own customized --input-title-format
Actually, that would not be difficult at all to extend the skins2 engine and provide a new $something to connect to this input-title-format parameter. But, then only maintained skin would benefit from the new extension if their maintainer decides to implement it. The whole set of existing skins won't get it automatically, because there is no preset decoration to act upon.
Re: Display Artiste/Title with audio stream
Posted: 30 Mar 2013 19:37
by Diexgo
Very clear Erwan10, so no chance by now. Thanks so much. I will keep using VLC and will report if i find some other issue. Thank you again. Great job all of you are doing
Re: Display Artiste/Title with audio stream
Posted: 30 Mar 2013 20:33
by erwan10
Well, as a second thought, I changed my mind !
It is actually not a bad idea to connect the $N text variable that all skins developers use to the --input-title-format parameter. What used to be a hardcoded algorithm is now something that end users can configure. This means skins will now show artist + title by default. For those who would still prefer the old behaviour, they can configure it at the command line : vlc --input-title-format '$t' or via the vlcrc config file.
If you wish to test it, nightly builds should be available from tomorrow on (vlc2.1.0 branch)
Re: Display Artiste/Title with audio stream
Posted: 30 Mar 2013 21:24
by Diexgo
Well, i'll be right there testing new builds. Thanks again.
Re: Display Artiste/Title with audio stream
Posted: 31 Mar 2013 15:21
by Diexgo
Excellent Erwan10 !, now with last 2.1.0 is possible to see "now playing...(artist & title)", not only in radio streaming, also with audio files. Great job !, thanks to the development team !.