Skins2 window positioning issues

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Skins2 window positioning issues

Postby A_Li_N » 07 Jul 2006 18:03

I must first say that this player plays every file I've thrown at it, which makes it better than all the others I've tried.

However, I'm having some issues, mainly in reference to skins and video.
I'm running a multi-monitor, extended (not cloned) system, in case that matters.

I install VLC, open it up with the desktop icon and go to preferences. Set the volume up (cause I like it that way) then select Skinnable interface as my default interface. I hit save. Then I go to Setting - Switch interface - Skins2, which gives me the default skin. I close to test my video file by double clicking on the file to open VLC back up, all works fine with the default skin.

When I switch to a different skin (I've tried about 5 so far, but will use 'void' as an example), it seperates the vid window from the main window as expected. But when I close and re-open a video file, the main window and playlist window both are off-screen with no way of retrieving them. This happens with all of the skins I've tried.

(I just noticed that it doesn't do this until I move the main window on to my secondary display and re-open)

Any insight or do I need to include any other info?

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Postby DJ » 07 Jul 2006 19:22

I just noticed that it doesn't do this until I move the main window on to my secondary display and re-open.
How are you doing this? Just drag and drop? If so this may be the problem.

In Preferences, Video, Output Modules, DirectX and press Refresh list then from the pull down select your monitor. It should show up as \\.\DISPLAY1 and \\.\DISPLAY2 being Primary and Secondary display respectively. According to the way Windows has locked them. If this does not work Windows has not locked them and you will need to go check it. Don't forget to press "Save" and close the player when changing the Preferences.

It may also be wise if you have been playing with this for a while to reset your preferences before starting:

Reset the defaults or better yet erase the preferences directory. C:\Documents and Settings\Owner (this is you)\Application Data\VLC Erase VLC, Application Data is a hidden directory so you will need to make it visible. Reset can be accomplished external to VLC by going to Start Menu. Programs, VideoLAN and selecting the reset icon or internal to VLC through Miscellaneous, Preferences, reset. Then you must restart VLC.

Assuming you have chosen the secondary monitor the defaults should leave you with the controls on the primary monitor and the video on the secondary monitor. You can set the preferences to start in full screen mode. Preferences, Video then check the box marked Full screen video output then press Save and close the player.

If you have problems with a blank or black screen go to Settings, Preferences and uncheck the box marked "Overlay video output" then press "Save" and close the player. Generally this indicates a problem with DirectX or your Video Card's Drivers need updating, but some video cards do not support Video Acceleration for the second display.

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Postby ipkiss » 07 Jul 2006 19:27

When you get the wrong behaviour, close VLC, and open the preferences file ( ... ig_file.3F). What is the value of the skins2-config option?

I think your problem is independent from the skin, it is only a matter of knowing the right coordinates and the right monitor. Does it work better with the wxWidgets interface, or is it the same?

New Cone
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Postby A_Li_N » 08 Jul 2006 04:50

# Skin to use (string)
skins2-last=C:\Program Files\VideoLAN\VLC\skins\void.vlt
# Config of last used skin (string)
skins2-config=( 17, 680,0)( 17, 520,0)( 17, 60,0)
# Enable transparency effects (boolean)

That's the info when the main/playlist windows disapear. I did like DJ suggested and set it to DISPLAY2, but they still disapear.
Thanks for your time :) Any more suggestions?

Display1, main monitor is on the right with display2 stretched to the left.


Postby Guest » 26 Jul 2006 20:37

I would think that if the second display is used as a continuation of the first display to make a larger screen that VLC shouldn't be set to display 2 but would see this no differently than if it were one display. But I would also think this would be entirely dependent on the setup of your video card as to the options selected in VLC. Can't help asking what happens when you just clone the second display? Suggest not selecting "Clone" or "VMR" in your video cards utilities or at least be sure that these functions are off. If the second display is blank when you try to use VLC shut off the video overlay in preferences, video. You can also use the full screen option so that when you start VLC you don't need to reset it.

Don't know if this is helpful or not but it may give you another way of looking at the problem. :P

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