what is with that announced dark mode???

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New Cone
New Cone
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Joined: 12 Sep 2020 15:42

what is with that announced dark mode???

Postby needdarkmode » 12 Sep 2020 15:50

an mod say in 2019 they are workin on it..... :roll:

its end of 2020, video lan team.
do something.
half of the world is in home office, you say thier are hundrets of devs.

so no one can change the skin? really.....

New Cone
New Cone
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Joined: 13 Jul 2021 22:27

Re: what is with that announced dark mode???

Postby M4DMAXX » 13 Jul 2021 22:43

Wow such a Stubhorn...

1. the VideoLan Team are a non-profit Organisation
2. first implement i guess many of them are not only work on VLC.... im sure they all have a other Job
3. that most of them maybe have a other Job implement that they dont use Home Office to work on VLC...

Really what you think is Home Office? That not exist for the reason that people can less work and more develope on your Hobby or something other...
They just get popular cause lesser social meeting in the pandemie...

The Fact that VLC are free to use for all people and you dont pay something to use it implements too that the Devs are not here to do as you wish when you wish it...

Im sure there will come something but really in Pandemie Times... there are more important things to do... Dark Mode can wait ^^

New Cone
New Cone
Posts: 5
Joined: 13 Jul 2021 22:27

Re: what is with that announced dark mode???

Postby M4DMAXX » 13 Jul 2021 22:48

Personal: You act like Stubhorn... Your Nickname... Your 3 Posts... just ask for Dark Mode and say the Devs do nothing at all.... and no other things... at all no thx for the devs they create for us the VLC Player...

If i was one of the Devs.... I would make a principle: When the dark mode are ready they just available for user they activ in Forum, Friendly and Helpful...

Uff... you are fall out of the Grid.... my sorry really.......... not

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