Some windows (the "File info" and "Preferences Window") can't be displayed with a checkbox action:
For example, on my "winshade mode" of my skin in progress, to display my "Preferences" window, I have to type :
Code: Select all
<Button x="6" y="3" up="winshade_prefs_normal" over="winshade_prefs_over" down="winshade_prefs_down" action="dialogs.prefs()" tooltiptext="Preferences"/>
But with this kind of button, you can't see the state of the window (if it's opened or closed) on the button.
Here is what I am looking for, but it doesn't work because of the unknown (unsupported) actions :
Code: Select all
<Checkbox x="6" y="3"
up1="winshade_prefs_closed_normal" over1="winshade_prefs_closed_over" down1="winshade_prefs_closed_down"
up2="winshade_prefs_opened_normal" over2="winshade_prefs_opened_over" down2="winshade_prefs_opened_down"
state="not dialogs.prefs().isVisible" action1="dialogs.prefs().show()" action2="dialogs.prefs().hide()"
tooltiptext1="Show Preferences" tooltiptext2="Hide Preferences"/>
At the moment, only defined windows (with an ID, such as the Playlist and Video windows) can have a checkbox button.
It would be cool if the File Info and Preferences windows could too.
See you.