I've recently been working on a new skin, It happens to be a retrofit of an ancient media player(pre mp3 ), and I have come unstuck with writing the animation xml, even kept to the manual. However all I get is a full view of the animation frames stacked(but correctly aligned for the first frame) checked and re-checked code as well as commenting it out. Thought it must be me, so I tried the WYSIWYG editor, which shows the red bounding box correctly, but same result when loaded by VLC.
I'm using 2.1.6 Rincewind on Ubuntu
Test piece from WYSIWYG
Code: Select all
<Theme version="2.0"><ThemeInfo name="Unnamed Theme" author="joel" email="Unknown" webpage="http://www.videolan.org/vlc/"/><!-- Created using the VLC Skin Editor 0.8.6.dev (http://www.videolan.org/vlc/skineditor.html)
<Bitmap id="wave_Wave" file="wave/Wave.png" alphacolor="#FF00FF"/>
<Bitmap id="wave_Level" file="wave/Level.png" alphacolor="#FF00FF" nbframes="10" fps="2"/>
<Window id="wave" x="569" y="104">
<Layout id="Unnamed Layout #3" width="569" height="104">
<Image id="wavebg" image="wave_Wave"/>
<Panel id="Unnamed Panel #5" x="83" y="9" width="300" height="70">
<Image id="Unnamed Image #8" x="250" y="51" image="wave_Level"/>
Any advice would be well received!!
Thanks for reading!