chaos skin xml file...

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New Cone
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chaos skin xml file...

Postby infinitelink » 12 Aug 2005 10:25

I would like to know from whomever made "chaos" what program is used to open the xml file, if, of course, that would be alright with the cyril. I'm getting a lot of junk-characters when I open it in notepad, I get a 'cannot open (because) cannot find source specified "skin.dtd" ' when I try to open it in an xml editor. I'm simply working to increase the functionality of chaos since it is already an excellent piece of work as it is. I've encountered the same problems with the "void" xml files, though, I'm not as interested in those except for reference. Besides that, void isn't as bad in that respect when viewewd. Just for your reference, I typically pick-up things like html and xml first by example, and then, when I understand it better, I go into reading more about it and can pick it up fairly quickly. Any help is appreciated, and anyone who can tell me what program to use to view the files without box-characters would be greatly appreciated for it. Thank you again.

JBB :)

Big Cone-huna
Big Cone-huna
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Postby zcot » 12 Aug 2005 10:49

the reason you see the problem is because the file has *nix line endings(which are different than windows line endings where you end up with a black box and no new line).

the reason for the skin.dtd problem is likely that you opened the xml file in another directory from where the skin.dtd is located(the skin directory).

check this post for a couple programs you could use to either convert the line endings and/or use one of them to edit the files.. they both have line-conversions and xml syntax hilighting as well.

New Cone
New Cone
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thank you

Postby infinitelink » 16 Aug 2005 22:23

Thank you very much, I will try those asap (after finishing getting into my dorm). I hope it'll work, and I'll see what I can come up with. :)

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Postby Asim » 18 Aug 2005 12:17

for the line endings issue... if u got windows...

to convert from *nix format to Windows format, u can simply open up in Wordpad, save the file, then quit and open it in Notepad.

- Asim

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Postby AsMaX » 04 Sep 2005 21:07

Hello, I am "the cyril" as you call me ;) What do want to add to the chaos skin ? It's just a clone from the original chaos skin for xmms/winamp2 and I was too lazy to implement the mini buttons/counter at the bottom of the playlist but if you have time to do it is will be great ;)

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