hi guys,
i need some help,
i cannot change thw skin, they are in folder SKINS but when I click right button of my mouse on vlc player and choose interface there is no option for skins at all. any tips??
1. You need to go to interface ---> preferences. In new window select "Use custom skin" in interface section, select browse button and choose your skin (you usually should, but not in 1.1.4, i'll tell you why for a second). If you using older version of player skip step 2.
2. If you use 1.1.4 version, you should go to preferences too, but not clicking browse, just copy the skin full directory address from windows explorer plus skin full name in additional. (for example: C:\Program Files\VideoLAN\VLC\skins\avs_0_95_beta.vlt) and paste it to the text box (replace previous text).
3. click save & restart vlc media player. Now you can use skins from selected directory by right click in vlc window ---> interface ---> select skin
Now about that thing with text box. I don't know why, but for some reason (in VLC v. 1.1.4) when you click browse in preferences in new window will be called "select file" but it has save button.
Weird bug :p
Here is proof on my win xp.