Newbie - Jumping Slider and more

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Newbie - Jumping Slider and more

Postby MoP60+ » 20 Sep 2010 21:51


Thanks to the VLC-makers: best player for HDTV-recordings!
Again thanks to VLC-makers: best tool to transcode HDTV Transport Streams to
editable formats!

But I found no skin with a time display that I could read on my TV screen.
The 12 points default character size is too small for me.
So I started altering an existing skin and
THANKS TO THE MAKERS OF the SKINEDITOR, I'm beginning to see first results.

Some of the remaining questions:
1. Is it possible to display the time along a seeker/time-slider at mouse
position as is the case in the native skin? It can be shown as tooltiptext,
when the mouse pointer is over the current slider position, but what for
other mouse positions?

2. I learned from posts in the forum that
a. it is not possible to make a fullscreenController visible by mouseMove or
mouseOver, like in the native skin; instead toggling it with shortcut "i" is
b. in a multiple screen setup fullscreen mode is always displayed on the
primary screen.
Is that still true?

3. and most important: My timeSlider doesn't move correctly. With short
videos (e.g. 3 minutes), it moves about every second )a small jump), with
longer videos (e.g. 1 or 2 hours) it stands still for about 25 seconds
(varying) then makes a jump to the new position. When clicking on the seeker,
the marker at first jumps to the click position, but immediately after it
jumps a bit to the left, probably to a position it would have reached jumping
on its own.

With best regards

Big Cone-huna
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Re: Newbie - Jumping Slider and more

Postby 3breadt » 20 Sep 2010 22:41

1. You mean that the tooltip shows which time the mouse position would refer to on the slider? No, that's not possible.
2. I believe so, but I'm not 100% up-to-date on that
3. With the longer videos, does the slider jump larger gaps than with the shorter videos? Does the slider use a SliderBackground?
-- 3breadt (aka altglass)

New Cone
New Cone
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Re: Newbie - Jumping Slider and more

Postby MoP60+ » 21 Sep 2010 15:52

Many thanks for your answer.
No, I've not used a slider background yet.
The slider marker jumps to the correct time in all cases, i.e. on short videos he does 1s-jumps, on longer videos 25s-jumps (approximately in both cases). I just tested a 40-minutes-video: Marker does its first jump after 25s, later stays for about 90s at the same position then jumps to the right time.
The behavior is normal (smooth motion) with native or default skin and also with the skin I used to build my from (vplayer.vlt).
Here's the theme-file:

Code: Select all

<!DOCTYPE Theme PUBLIC "-//VideoLAN//DTD VLC Skins V2.0//EN" "skin.dtd"> <Theme version="2.0"> <ThemeInfo name="big_time_z version 1.0" author="MoP60+" email="" webpage=""/> <!-- Created using the VLC Skin Editor (> <Font id="FreeSans" file="fonts\FreeSans.ttf" size="22"/> <Bitmap id="main" file="main\bitmap.png" alphacolor="#FF00FF"> <SubBitmap id="bottom_left" x="0" y="0" height="22" width="353"/> <SubBitmap id="bottom_seeker" x="354" y="0" height="22" width="19"/> <SubBitmap id="bottom_center_right" x="374" y="0" height="22" width="137"/> <SubBitmap id="bottom_right" x="512" y="0" height="22" width="27"/> <SubBitmap id="play" x="0" y="22" height="22" width="15"/> <SubBitmap id="pause" x="16" y="22" height="22" width="15"/> <SubBitmap id="stop" x="30" y="22" height="22" width="15"/> <SubBitmap id="max" x="45" y="22" height="22" width="15"/> <SubBitmap id="unmax" x="60" y="22" height="22" width="15"/> <SubBitmap id="info" x="75" y="22" height="22" width="15"/> <SubBitmap id="snapshot" x="90" y="22" height="22" width="15"/> <SubBitmap id="sld_volume" x="105" y="22" height="22" width="4"/> <SubBitmap id="sld_time" x="109" y="22" height="22" width="6"/> <SubBitmap id="quit" x="115" y="22" height="22" width="15"/> <SubBitmap id="top_sizer" x="0" y="44" height="1" width="536"/> <SubBitmap id="left_sizer" x="538" y="0" height="45" width="1"/> </Bitmap> <Bitmap id="main_not_seekable_info" file="main\not_seekable_info.png" alphacolor="#FF00FF"/> <Bitmap id="main_sizer_vertical" file="main\sizer_vertical.png" alphacolor="#FF00FF"/> <Bitmap id="main_slider_bg" file="main\slider_bg.png" alphacolor="#FF00FF"/> <Bitmap id="main_slider_fill_left" file="main\slider_fill_left.png" alphacolor="#FF00FF"/> <Bitmap id="main_slider_fill_middle" file="main\slider_fill_middle.png" alphacolor="#FF00FF"/> <Bitmap id="main_slider_fill_right" file="main\slider_fill_right.png" alphacolor="#FF00FF"/> <Bitmap id="main_wiz_slider_bg" file="main\wiz_slider_bg.png" alphacolor="#FF00FF"/> <Window id="sole_window"> <Layout id="sole_layout" width="536" height="324" minwidth="536" maxwidth="1930" minheight="210" maxheight="1296"> <Image id="img_sizer_top" image="top_sizer" action="resizeS" rightbottom="righttop"/> <Image id="img_sizer_left" y="1" image="main_sizer_vertical" action="resizeE" rightbottom="leftbottom"/> <Image id="img_sizer_right" x="535" y="1" image="main_sizer_vertical" action="resizeE" lefttop="righttop" rightbottom="rightbottom"/> <Video id="video" x="1" y="1" width="534" height="301" autoresize="false" rightbottom="rightbottom"/> <Image id="img_bottom_left" y="302" image="bottom_left" action="move" lefttop="leftbottom" rightbottom="leftbottom"/> <Image id="img_bottom_seeker" x="353" y="302" image="bottom_seeker" lefttop="leftbottom" rightbottom="rightbottom"/> <Image id="img_bottom_center_right" x="372" y="302" image="bottom_center_right" action="move" lefttop="rightbottom" rightbottom="rightbottom"/> <Image id="img_bottom_right" x="509" y="302" image="bottom_right" action="resizeSE" lefttop="rightbottom" rightbottom="rightbottom"/> <Checkbox state="vlc.isPlaying" up1="play" up2="pause" action1="" action2="vlc.pause()" tooltiptext1="Play" tooltiptext2="Pause" id="CB_play_pause" x="10" y="302" lefttop="leftbottom" rightbottom="leftbottom"/> <Button up="stop" action="vlc.stop()" id="btn_stop" x="30" y="302" lefttop="leftbottom" rightbottom="leftbottom" tooltiptext="Stop"/> <Checkbox state="sole_window.isMaximized" up1="max" up2="unmax" action1="sole_window.maximize()" action2="sole_window.unmaximize()" tooltiptext1="Maximize" tooltiptext2="Unmaximize" id="CB_max_unmax" x="50" y="302" lefttop="leftbottom" rightbottom="leftbottom"/> <Button up="info" action="dialogs.fileInfo()" id="btn_info" x="70" y="302" lefttop="leftbottom" rightbottom="leftbottom" tooltiptext="File-Info"/> <Button up="snapshot" action="vlc.snapshot()" id="btn_snapshot" x="90" y="302" lefttop="leftbottom" rightbottom="leftbottom" tooltiptext="Snapshot"/> <Slider id="slider_volume" x="150" y="302" points="(0,11),(80,11)" value="volume" tooltiptext="$V" up="sld_volume" lefttop="leftbottom" rightbottom="leftbottom"/> <Text text="$T" font="FreeSans" alignment="right" color="#ddddff" id="text_time" x="255" y="301" width="77" lefttop="leftbottom" rightbottom="leftbottom" visible="vlc.isSeekable"/> <Slider id="slider_time" x="352" y="302" points="(0,11),(26,11)" value="time" tooltiptext="$T" up="sld_time" lefttop="leftbottom" rightbottom="rightbottom" visible="vlc.isSeekable"> <SliderBackground id="img_wiz_slider_bg" image="main_wiz_slider_bg" nbvert="27"/> </Slider> <Text text="$D" font="FreeSans" color="#ddddff" id="text_duration" x="395" y="301" width="77" lefttop="rightbottom" rightbottom="rightbottom" visible="vlc.isSeekable"/> <Button up="quit" action="vlc.quit()" id="btn_quit" x="492" y="302" lefttop="rightbottom" rightbottom="rightbottom" tooltiptext="Quit"/> <Image id="img_not_seekable_info" x="247" y="302" image="main_not_seekable_info" lefttop="leftbottom" rightbottom="leftbottom" visible="not vlc.isSeekable"/> </Layout> </Window> </Theme>
with best regards

Big Cone-huna
Big Cone-huna
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Re: Newbie - Jumping Slider and more

Postby 3breadt » 23 Sep 2010 09:55

According to the theme XML you do use a sliderbackground. One that has only 27 frames, that could explain the "jumps".
-- 3breadt (aka altglass)

New Cone
New Cone
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Joined: 20 Sep 2010 21:42

Re: Newbie - Jumping Slider and more

Postby MoP60+ » 23 Sep 2010 12:21

Hello, aLtgLasS,

yes, I posted the wrong theme-file, one where I had begun to test a background, but the problem in question did not depend on it.
Meanwhile I started from scratch, with the same result. What is the relation between a) slider points, b) slider size, c) number of frames of the editor generated background and d) slider movement?
In my first try I had a amall slider with 27 points, which was stretched during normal use. But the stretching probably doesn't increase the number of points (?), and it seems to me that the points define the possible positions of the slider, in other words: the slider moves from point to point, but not between the points. For a slider that is stretched to N pixels, it would require N points to move smoothly (touch every pixel). On the other hand, my
impression is, that in the skin editor 1 point requires 1 pixel, which would mean, the slider had to be N pixels in size in the editor !! And needed not to be stretched afterwards !!
What is happening during stretching with the slider points and background frames?
There must be something I did not understand !!

The next problem, I've struggled with for hours, is the following: A skin without slider-background behaved okay (apart from the jumping slider marker), with slider background the vlc-log.txt complained: "Bitmap too large !". I reduced the size of all bitmaps in relation to the slider background to no avail.
I guess I have to figure that one out on my own, but I have not the faintest idea what else to do.
What puzzled me: After executing the background wizard, a background image appeared in the skin preview window, but half of it below the skin. Is that normal?
Repositioning it manually didn't affect the "Bitmap too large!" warning.

Nevertheless, your help is much appreciated!
With best regards

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