... nLCARS.jpg ... indows.jpg
Just a few problems I've gotten stuck on:
1. Can a skin only resize from the bottom and the right of a window? When images on the top or the left of a window have resize actions applied, the bottom and right sides are still the ones to move.
2. The skin I'm working on is meant to blend into the LCARSx32 replacement shell (check out i am in no way associated with the website or LCARSx32, just a happy user). The problem is that the size of the desktop changes depending on what i'm doing but, when maximized, VLC (when skinned) will not. Native VLC adjusts itself to the changing boundaries of the desktop, so the program is capable of auto-adjusting, but I have not seen a skin that does.
3. I've been trying to play with volume/time sliders, but can't seem to figure out how to make a solid-colored meter. A moving point on a line is easy enough, but I don't know where to begin in creating a solid meter (say, making the left of the pointer green and the right black, something along those lines)
Any solutions would be appreciated.
*EDIT* a 4th problem has just come up: I set some buttons to increase and lower the volume but they don't work. they should, i've double-checked they are set with the actions " vlc.volumeUp() " and " vlc.volumeDown() " respectively.