I want to create a resizable window with the editor, for which the tutorial has to be written yet , I encountered the next problem.
Doing a vertical enlargement of the background, it appeared that the picture was repeated and not stretched. I then changed the ImageAttribute Resizing from "mosaic" to scale.
However the background was still repeating when enlarged. I checked the xml -file in which I found:
Code: Select all
<Image id="PL Background" image="Playlistbg" action="move" rightbottom="rightbottom" xkeepratio="true" ykeepratio="true"/>
Code: Select all
<Image id="PL Background" image="Playlistbg" resize="scale" action="move" rightbottom="rightbottom" xkeepratio="true" ykeepratio="true"/>
It appears that the interface of the SkinEditor 0.7 supports mosaic and scale, but when producing the xml-file it is not supported at all.
Is this a bug in the editor?