I have posted a screenshot to illustrate what i mean with an example of one of the skins.
Many thanks,ny help on this issue would be appreciated.
Code: Select all
<Window id="video" x="300" y="300" dragdrop="false" playondrop="true" visible="vlc.hasVout">
<Layout id="video-layout" width="300" height="187" maxwidth="1280" maxheight="1024">
<Image id="video-bg" image="img-video-background" action="move" x="0" y="0" visible="true"/>
<Button x="288" y="1" up="img-close_normal" over="img-close_hover" down="img-close_active" action="vlc.pause();video.hide();" tooltiptext="Quit"/>
<!--<Video x="10" y="10" width="268" height="75" autoresize="true"/>-->
<Video x="7" y="14" width="286" height="166" id="TheVideo2" autoresize="true"/>
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