Crashing Of VLC Nightlie 0.9 may 8th due to skin

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Big Cone-huna
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Crashing Of VLC Nightlie 0.9 may 8th due to skin

Postby MetalheadGautham » 08 May 2007 16:30

I Played a video in the vlc nightlie mentioned above, and swithced to skins during playback and got this:

Code: Select all

File reading failed: VLC could not open file "C:\Documents and Settings\aa\Application Data\vlc\skins\default.vlt" (Bad file descriptor).

but the video played on and there was the skin. only, the video played in a different window.

I right clicked in the black part of the skin(its middle), and nothing happened. Then I right clicked on the white border and vlc crashed, saying:

VLC media polayer needs to close, any non saved ............ blah blah blah, sorry for this.... plaease tell microsoft about........

you know, the usual.

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Postby MetalheadGautham » 08 May 2007 16:32

So is this a bug :?: :shock: :o
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Postby CloudStalker » 08 May 2007 17:17

First, check out this link. :D Second, Don't switch to skins mode while VLC is running, do this though the start menu. And third, 0.9.0 is stall a little buggy with skins. When you go to the Skins page see what version of VLC it supports. Forth...well I guess there isn't a forth. :P

I didn't know there was a Neon skin. Why wasn't this posted in the forum? I guess I don't explore the site as much as I used to. :?

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Postby MetalheadGautham » 08 May 2007 17:28

First, check out this link. :D Second, Don't switch to skins mode while VLC is running, do this though the start menu. And third, 0.9.0 is stall a little buggy with skins. When you go to the Skins page see what version of VLC it supports. Forth...well I guess there isn't a forth. :P

I didn't know there was a Neon skin. Why wasn't this posted in the forum? I guess I don't explore the site as much as I used to. :?
1. thanks for wasting my 3 seconds :evil:

2. why not? this means it IS a bug. we are supposed to switch skins like how I did. how else will I change skins in an extracted vlc nightlie(7z) ? :P

3. I know it. It was ipkiss who told me that it is not supposed to be so and asked me to give him details. :mrgreen:

4. the skins support x version UPWARDS, NOT DOWNWARDS. read properly :wink: :lol:

5. I used the default skin from the nightlie. It is suppsed to come with the nightlie and hence is the right skin 8)

6. who cares? :D I dont find most of them useful, only winamp5, dallin media player and wmp11 along with default are decent.(I only use skins for easy access of maximum options in a single window) :mrgreen:
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Postby CloudStalker » 08 May 2007 17:43

[quote=""MetalheadGautham""]1. thanks for wasting my 3 seconds [/quote]
But the music is Awesome! :P
2. why not? this means it IS a bug. we are supposed to switch skins like how I did. how else will I change skins in an extracted vlc nightlie(7z) ?
Yeah Yeah I know, but this particular version isn't anywhere near completion. I'm sure they'll work out these little kinks in time.
4. the skins support x version UPWARDS, NOT DOWNWARDS. read properly Wink Laughing

Well I kind of meant that the skins made for 0.9.0 might work a little better with 0.9.0 but maybe I'll read more closely anyway. 8)
5. I used the default skin from the nightlie. It is suppsed to come with the nightlie and hence is the right skin Cool
Well I don't know if you've noticed this but when running VLC from the ZIP folder it seems to always start with the old wxWidgets inteface but running it from the executable (exe) it then starts with the QT4 interface.
6. who cares? Very Happy I dont find most of them useful, only winamp5, dallin media player and wmp11 along with default are decent.(I only use skins for easy access of maximum options in a single window) Mr. Green
That comment wasn't really directed to you. I just noticed it now and typed it down for no reason. :D

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Postby ipkiss » 08 May 2007 19:06

[quote=""MetalheadGautham""]2. why not? this means it IS a bug. we are supposed to switch skins like how I did. how else will I change skins in an extracted vlc nightlie(7z) ? [/quote]
When switching to skins while a video is running, it is normal to have the video in an external window. Call this a bug if you want, but it always been like this with VLC skins (and it is hard to fix). Stopping the video and playing it again makes it go back to the Video control.

So the only new problem in your report is the right-click thing. We need to work on it.

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Postby MetalheadGautham » 08 May 2007 19:25

did you see it yourself?


this is my first bug report :D
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Postby ipkiss » 09 May 2007 19:14

No, I didn't build VLC recently and there is no nightly build for my platform. But another developer tried and managed to reproduce it.

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