More Stable Skin

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Big Cone-huna
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More Stable Skin

Postby MetalheadGautham » 05 May 2007 09:15

Several current skins are unstable. a few clicks here and a few there, a sequence of start, pause and seek cause the skins to crash :? :shock: :( :x :evil: :twisted:

so can you specify if a skin has been proved stable or not?????
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Postby CloudStalker » 05 May 2007 17:18

a few clicks here and a few there, a sequence of start, pause and seek cause the skins to
Or lock up VLC. Skins should have better support in VLC 0.9.0, after it's completed.

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Postby MetalheadGautham » 05 May 2007 17:21

thats because of ammature work, some just replace the files on one skin with another and post them. I want a skin with the extended gui, the playlist, and all options on one window. Is there one?
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Re: More Stable Skin

Postby ipkiss » 07 May 2007 08:46

Several current skins are unstable. a few clicks here and a few there, a sequence of start, pause and seek cause the skins to crash :? :shock: :( :x :evil: :twisted:
Such a report would be more useful if it explained the precise steps to reproduce a crash, so that developers can have a look and fix it.

FYI, a skin cannot crash by itself. Only the skin interpreter and the rest of VLC can. So an unstable skin in some VLC version may be perfectly stable in another one.
What VLC version do you use? Did you try other versions?
Did you also have problems with skins which don't contain a Video control (they are recognizable by the fact that the video appears in its own window).
Or lock up VLC. Skins should have better support in VLC 0.9.0, after it's completed.
Same remark, steps to reproduce would be interesting.
thats because of ammature work, some just replace the files on one skin with another and post them.
As explained above, using another skin as basis of a new one shouldn't change anything to the stability. But feel free to write a "non-ammature" skin :)

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