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Yellow video when playing VLC in virtual environment

Posted: 24 Mar 2012 23:20
by rhap4boy
Not sure if this post is suppose to be in Windows forum or Mac OS X forum.
When playing a video in virtualized Windows 7 using VLC 2 on MAC OS X Lion running VMware Fusion 4, the video color is yellowish. If I play the same video using Windows Media Player, video color is normal. Why is that?

Re: Yellow video when playing VLC in virtual environment

Posted: 25 Mar 2012 13:35
by VLC_help

Re: Yellow video when playing VLC in virtual environment

Posted: 06 Apr 2012 01:16
by kdean
For others, the fix is:

Tools -> Preferences -> Video

Disable "Use hardware YUV->RGB conversions".

Save and Restart VLC.

Re: Yellow video when playing VLC in virtual environment

Posted: 11 Jan 2013 15:59
by sleky
Yes. I did just register. I did so, to thank you kdean. TYTYTYTYTYTYTYTYTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This has been buggin the snot out of me, and I'm unsure why it took Google so long to give me this forum thread to read! ARGH. But that worked like a champ!! TYTYTYTYTYTYTYTTY!!!!!!