I am using VLC 2.0.0 on Windows XP sp3. I would like to screen cast and save the output in ogg format. Looking around the forums I came out with the following command:
Code: Select all
"C:\Program Files\VideoLAN\VLC\vlc.exe" screen:// --dshow-fps=24 --screen-fps=24 --screen-width=1024 --screen-height=768 --screen-follow-mouse --screen-mouse-image c:\cursor.png --sout "#transcode{venc=theora,quality:19,scale=1,fps=24}:duplicate{dst=std{access=file,mux=ogg,dst=c:\screencast.ogg}}}" --no-sout-audio
I have uploaded the cursor file to: https://imgur.com/RbsnY
Am I doing something wrong? How to get mouse icon displaying inside screen cast?