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Native slider

Posted: 26 Feb 2012 05:24
by MyUserName787985854
VLC 2.0.0

Under Tools/Customize Interface is a check box for Native Slider.

I've checked this off, as soon as I close, it reverts back unchecked, I've created my own interface and saved, checked Native Slider, then closed and it reverts back to unchecked.

I'm looking for to get this slider on VLC that is on this screenshot below. Any thoughts? The one that is showing on my VLC 2.0.0 is like a bubble blue one. ... 1_w7_2.jpg

Re: Native slider

Posted: 26 Feb 2012 13:36
by VLC_help

Re: Native slider

Posted: 27 Feb 2012 00:49
by MyUserName787985854
Oh cool, Thanks VLC_Help for the headsup on the bug. I started to wonder if it was my side.

:mrgreen: two thumbs up