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Capture Card Only Works When "Default" is Selected

Posted: 08 Feb 2012 10:04
The capture card works fine when I select "Default" in the menu or leave the command line MRL "parameter" :dshow-adev blank. I get the following console output as expected when it binds (is that the correct term?) the capture card:

Code: Select all

dshow debug: found device: AVerMedia AVerTV Audio Capture dshow debug: found device: IDT Audio1 dshow debug: asking for default device: AVerMedia AVerTV Audio Capture dshow debug: asked for AVerMedia AVerTV Audio Capture , binding to AVerMedia AVerTV Audio Capture
But when I manually select the capture card in the menu, the logs give an error in the binding step instead:

Code: Select all

dshow debug: found device: AVerMedia AVerTV Audio Capture dshow debug: found device: IDT Audio1 dshow debug: asking for device: AVerMedia AVerTV Audio Capture dshow debug: can't use device device: AVerMedia AVerTV Audio Capture, unsupported device type
Should I be setting anything in the advanced menu (or adding extra MRL "parameters") if I manually select the capture device? I'm guessing that setting "Default" does some magic autoconfiguration I'm not aware of.

Re: Capture Card Only Works When "Default" is Selected

Posted: 08 Feb 2012 17:25
by VLC_help
I would guess that this is a whitespace issue,

Code: Select all

msg_Dbg( p_this, "asked for %s, binding to %s", p_devicename->c_str() , devname.c_str() ) ;
and since you get

Code: Select all

asked for AVerMedia AVerTV Audio Capture ,
(notice the space between Capture and ,)
I would guess that your device name has unneeded whitespace at the end.

Re: Capture Card Only Works When "Default" is Selected

Posted: 09 Feb 2012 00:46
Yep, that was it!

I'll go report the bug: the interface must be trimming whitespace from the device name when it generates the MRL.

EDIT: Oh, looks like it was already reported here but it was marked as a duplicate for some weird parsing issue at Should I just let open bug reports lie?

Re: Capture Card Only Works When "Default" is Selected

Posted: 09 Feb 2012 15:50
by VLC_help
I think courmisch has marked it as duplicate correctly.