Stream a video from VLC to rtmp

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Stream a video from VLC to rtmp

Postby 007007 » 19 Jan 2012 11:04


I saw several topics dealing with this problem, but I have not found any solution.

I'd like to know if it's possible to do a video streaming with VLC to an RTMP server, like Red5.

the output stream must be RTMP with the following information

Code: Select all

url: rtmp:// name: livestream
Here you say

"RTMP input is already in VLC.
RTMP output is arriving, but feel free to help."
but it is not added yet on VLC? how you manage to doing the streaming to a server Red5?

have a good day


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Re: Stream a video from VLC to rtmp

Postby Jean-Baptiste Kempf » 19 Jan 2012 11:52

Use RTP output and Wowza
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Re: Stream a video from VLC to rtmp

Postby 007007 » 19 Jan 2012 20:17

Thank you for your reply

but wowza is not free... so vlc is incompatible with rtmp output (used by most streaming servers : Red5 and Fash media server)? :(

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Re: Stream a video from VLC to rtmp

Postby VLC_help » 20 Jan 2012 21:06

RTMP support is in next 2.1.0 nightly build via avcodec ... 11743.html

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Re: Stream a video from VLC to rtmp

Postby 007007 » 20 Jan 2012 21:09

Yeah good news!!!

we can download and test it?

thank you for your great work

edit: ok I just test it, but I don't see the broadcast option "RTMP"


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Re: Stream a video from VLC to rtmp

Postby VLC_help » 22 Jan 2012 15:13

There hasn't been any GUI additions for that feature.

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Re: Stream a video from VLC to rtmp

Postby docblop » 06 Mar 2012 22:25

I failed trying to get an audio stream encoded to an adobe media or wowza server using rtmp as protocol:

Code: Select all

vlc.exe dshow:// :dshow-vdev=""none"" :dshow-adev= :live-caching=8000 :sout=#transcode{vcodec=none, acodec=aac, ab=16, channels=1, samplerate=44100}:rtmp{url=rtmp://streamingserver/live, name=teststream} :ttl=1.0 :sout-keep -Irc
error: [0220cb70] main input error: cannot start stream output instance, aborting

I used the latest nightly build but couldn't get it to work. does anyone know what I'm doing wrong? I searched but couldn't find any documentation about it. Any help would be appreciated.


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Re: Stream a video from VLC to rtmp

Postby VLC_help » 07 Mar 2012 19:42

Is that your actual command-line command? Or did you add the whitespaces there when you pasted it here?

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Re: Stream a video from VLC to rtmp

Postby yushalee10 » 11 Apr 2013 18:00

I have been trying to get this to work, and was trying to use:
:sout'#transcode{vcodec=h264,vb=300,fps=25,scale=1,acodec=mp4a,ab=64,channels=2}:std{access=rtmp,mux=ffmpeg{mux=flv},dst=rtmp://localhost:1935/live/livestream}' but nothing shows on the jwplayer embedded. I will try the stout code posted here (without the spaces)
update: I checked my version (installed from ubuntu software center) and apparently I'm using 1.1.12? hmmmmm

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Re: Stream a video from VLC to rtmp

Postby yushalee10 » 11 Apr 2013 20:58

I did an ubuntu upgrade, although I had issues with 12.04 before, and was able to install the 2.1 nightly build. I used the stout code from this page, as well as: sout '#transcode{vcodec=h264,vb=300,fps=25,scale=1,acodec=mp4a,ab=64,channels=2}:std{access=rtmp,mux=ffmpeg{mux=flv},dst=rtmp://ipofstreamingserver:1935/path/to/stream}'
Was a solution brought for this thread? I am trying to stream an flv file to red5 (like so many others) and would rather use VLC than ffmpeg (which I am currently using) for numerous reasons. Please let me know- thanks.

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Re: Stream a video from VLC to rtmp

Postby yushalee10 » 05 Feb 2015 01:56

For anyone Interested in this, I myself didn't find a good solution for this, unless you have some serious workstation with the cpu power to back it up. Although, My suggestion to anyone who is interested in this-
set up two monitors on your Ubuntu system one of them hdmi and the other vga or whatever
use an hdmi splitter from the hdmi port
fullscreen vlc player on the hdmi screen
playlist management on the vga screen
feed the hdmi output of the splitter to capture card that compresses the video,like the intensity pro (so you don't have to encode it) and stream with avconv (ffmpeg) to server. This works well also because you can feed multiple sources as well. Just set the video and audio output on "memory output"
This seemed to be the most stable way I could think of. In turn, one could also stream the playlist to http and then re-stream it with avconv (ffmpeg) but I noticed before that between videos, the connection would drop (this was in 2.1).
If anyone found an easier way, let me know.

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