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V1.3 Plays DTS But Not DTSHD Audio Files

Posted: 18 Jan 2012 11:36
by shag00
With reference to VLC media player 1.3.0-git-20120114-0011 Rincewind.

V1.3 plays DTS but not DTSHD Audio Files, I am referring to stand alone audio only files, not muxed into a video file container. The same files do play when muxed into a video container such as MKV or AVCHD. When asked to play the interface pops up with the start/end times displayed but it does not play, the progress bar indicator does not move.

Re: V1.3 Plays DTS But Not DTSHD Audio Files

Posted: 18 Jan 2012 17:46
by VLC_help
Is there short sample file you could share to us? (I can open a ticket for this)

Re: V1.3 Plays DTS But Not DTSHD Audio Files

Posted: 19 Jan 2012 00:02
by shag00
Ah, I have identified the problem, VLC will play DTSHD files in this naming format: filexxx.dts but not filexxx.dtshd (even when file associations have been made) which is how DTS-HD Master Audio Suite Encoder names its files. I realise DTS Corp should use a 3 character suffix but could we have VLC accept this 5 character suffix please?

Re: V1.3 Plays DTS But Not DTSHD Audio Files

Posted: 19 Jan 2012 12:14
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
Can you share one file? If you do, I will fix.

Re: V1.3 Plays DTS But Not DTSHD Audio Files

Posted: 19 Jan 2012 13:21
by shag00