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How to minimize movie during playback?

Posted: 09 Jan 2012 23:50
by jonnyD14
I want to pause a movie during during playback and minimize the screen to access my desktop without interrupting the movie playback. Can I do that? Is there a keyboard shortcut to do that?

Re: How to minimize movie during playback?

Posted: 10 Jan 2012 00:45
by jonnyway
You could right click and select pause, then right click again and untick full screen or alt and tab out of the video

Re: How to minimize movie during playback?

Posted: 10 Jan 2012 03:00
by jonnyD14
Nice! The Alt + Tab does the trick!
Thank You

Re: How to minimize movie during playback?

Posted: 10 Jan 2012 04:16
by jonnyD14
Actually, I just found out the Alt + Tab works if I have another web page open. What happens is that when I hit Alt + Tab, the open web page takes the place of the movie that is on screen ie. they swap places. It does not, however, allow me to acccess my desktop. In fact, I tried to minimze the web page after swapping out from the movie, but once the web page was minimized, it left the movie up on the screen and I couldn't get to the desktop. Any ideas?

Re: How to minimize movie during playback?

Posted: 10 Jan 2012 14:42
by jonnyway
right ok just noticed this myself, the first idea will still work - right clicking and deselecting fullscreen and then right clicking again to pause, this is probably the easiest way. The only other way i can think of is to alt tab and right click on the taskbar at the bottom of your screen and select show desktop. I would personally use the first way though.