I am sorry but I am left as confused as ever. All those sites talk about (and show) is "skins" which mean nothing to me. May I please try again?
I have a friend who occasionally sends me quotations and poems via his Audacity. My computer would not open them until someone told me to download VLC Media Player. Saturday, a computer technician was working on my machine. He removed something called "Real" which had an address of .ogg. I protested because I knew that .ogg is part of VLC but he thought not. Now, I seem to have VLC Media Player skinned.
Simple question: In order to continue opening these little recordings that are sent to me, should I call the man back out here and ask him to restore the simple VLC Media Player minus "skinned".
Thank you for advice here. I am not a computer expert; not even a computer amateur. I only need something set up so I can use it.