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Multiple Monitors slide show

Posted: 19 Oct 2011 09:39
by ddalton
How can I have VLC display multiple full screen slide shows in multiple monitors? or is even possible... if so, is it best to use windows or linux?

Re: Multiple Monitors slide show

Posted: 19 Oct 2011 16:08
by VLC_help
You can manually start VLC instances and drag them to correct monitors.

If you want to automate the process, then --video-x and dummy interface or --no-embedded-video

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--video-x=<integer> Video X coordinate You can enforce the position of the top left corner of the video window (X coordinate).

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--embedded-video, --no-embedded-video Embedded video (default enabled) Embed the video output in the main interface. (default enabled)
or if you use DirectX video output, then

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--directx-device={} Name of desired display device In a multiple monitor configuration, you can specify the Windows device name of the display that you want the video window to open on. For example, "\\.\DISPLAY1" or "\\.\DISPLAY2".