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Display System Time and Media Time Remaining on Full Screen?
Posted: 15 Oct 2011 02:02
by appyface
Good Morning,
Have been looking for a way to configure a constant display of the current system clock (hh:mm:ss) and the playing media time remaining (hh:mm:ss) on top of VLC, especially when I am running VLC in full screen mode?
I know I can use a 3rd party clock for the system time display -- and I do, but if VLC can do it I can eliminate one more thing running on the system while media is being played. No luck with media time remaining however.
Please point me to documentation if I missed finding, I've searched here in this forum and also the wiki but so far didn't find anything.
Kind regards,
Re: Display System Time and Media Time Remaining on Full Scr
Posted: 15 Oct 2011 15:10
by VLC_help
Re: Display System Time and Media Time Remaining on Full Scr
Posted: 15 Oct 2011 17:48
by appyface
I missed that completely -- thank you, I'll give that a try.
Re: Display System Time and Media Time Remaining on Full Scr
Posted: 15 Oct 2011 18:13
by appyface
Here's what I tried:
1. Launched VLC, went to Tools -> Preferences then marked radio button Shows Settings "all"
2. On the left, expanded Video -> Subtitles/OSD and clicked on "Marquee"
3. Entered "Test Marquee" in Text entry box
4. Changed X and Y position to 0 (they were each -1)
5. Changed Marquee Position to "top right"
6. Changed font size to 20 (leaving opacity at 255 and color at white)
7. Left timeout at 0 and refresh at 1000
Saved preferences, exited VLC, launched VLC, opened a video and started playing.
Nothing shows up anywhere on the screen...?
I searched the wiki but only found formatting options for the --marq-marquee command line. So I tried launching VLC with --marq-marquee "Another test marquee" on the command line, but still see nothing on screen when a video is playing.
How do I get the marquee to display?
Thank you for your help.
Re: Display System Time and Media Time Remaining on Full Scr
Posted: 16 Oct 2011 17:36
by VLC_help
You also ticked the Marquee display from Video -> Subtitles/OSD ?
Re: Display System Time and Media Time Remaining on Full Scr
Posted: 16 Oct 2011 19:18
by appyface
Of course not
For video this on screen now, thank you. But it doesn't show up for audio? As mentioned in my opening post, I'm looking to show this info for all media. Is there still a way?
Re: Display System Time and Media Time Remaining on Full Scr
Posted: 17 Oct 2011 08:11
by appyface
Audio display working now too, I used the instructions from this post:
Re: Display System Time and Media Time Remaining on Full Scr
Posted: 17 Oct 2011 08:23
by appyface
Is it possible to show only a portion (substring) of a metadata variable on the marquee display?
For example, I have the Time Left ($L) metadata variable showing on the marquee, it displays as hh:mm:ss format. Can I display only the hh:mm portion?
Also, the above instructions I followed to turn on the marquee for audio, have a side effect: When playing video, a second window opens titled "Direct3D". I must minimize it to hear the sound from the video. Is there a way to stop this second window from opening?
Re: Display System Time and Media Time Remaining on Full Scr
Posted: 17 Oct 2011 16:29
by VLC_help
There are some time commands for time formatting, but it seems they are hard coded.;a=bl ... /strings.c (lines 613 and 814)
AFAIK there isn't any substring option.
For needed visualization issue, there isn't any easy solution, but there is a feature request ticket for it.
Re: Display System Time and Media Time Remaining on Full Scr
Posted: 17 Oct 2011 17:52
by appyface
Admittedly my C skills are a bit rusty, but it looks like I'm stuck with the metadata format as-is. Oh well, it's not exactly the end of the world to have the seconds showing
And thank you for the link to the feature request ticket on that extra window. I've added a 'me too', perhaps it will catch someone's eye. Then again, it's two years old and there are higher priorities waiting for work, so...
Re: Display System Time and Media Time Remaining on Full Scr
Posted: 12 Jul 2014 23:32
by appyface
OK so I am back again on my old thread.
I have not had my marquee display since some 2.x version. I really miss having the duration $D and elapsed $T times shown on the marquee.
I have been searching and reading posts and bug reports, but am confused about what to do to get it to work again.
Would someone please look at my steps (earlier in this thread), and please tell me what to do differently, to achieve the same display now? I am using VLC 2.1.3 on win7.
Thank you so much for your help. Kind regards,
Re: Display System Time and Media Time Remaining on Full Scr
Posted: 17 Jul 2014 19:05
by appyface
I tried installing a nightly build (3.0.0) VLC but I am still not able to get remaining time, duration, etc. to appear in the marquee. They just show up as literals ($L $D etc.).
Could someone help me get the remaining time and duration of the media to display onscreen? If not via the marquee, is there another way to get this information to show all the time while media is playing?
Thank you for your help. Kind regards,
Re: Display System Time and Media Time Remaining on Full Scr
Posted: 20 Jul 2014 16:30
Hello Appy,
I just wanted to say that I too have been unable to get the marquee function to work correctly for going on a year now. I currently can get the free text I type to display but none of the other things that you mention (elapsed time, time remaining , etc). I miss those dearly! Have you had any luck with finding a solution? I am also using the same version as you with W7.
Re: Display System Time and Media Time Remaining on Full Scr
Posted: 20 Jul 2014 17:45
by appyface
No, I haven't got it working. I too really miss having duration, time remaining, etc. displayed in the marquee as was possible before. This information was very helpful and in a variety of circumstances.
After more searching and reading here, I did find this enhancement request to bring the feature back:
It was filed as a bug report and then changed to an enhancement request. I guess that means the feature was removed. (I have no idea why, though, as it worked beautifully -- for me at least.)
The nightly build server has been down, but was up briefly a few days ago and I grabbed a current 3.0.0 build just to check on this. The marquee in that build still does not display the values of these variables
I guess we just have to wait and see if this feature will be returned to VLC. I don't see a way to vote or otherwise indicate support for enhancement requests. I definitely add my +1 to bringing this feature back.
Kind regards,